A MAN who harassed his step mother with his "volatile" behaviour has been spared jail.

Jake Lewis, of Wheatsheaf Mews in Gwersyllt, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday for sentence.

The 25-year-old had previously admitted one offence of harassment without violence, which took place between September 2023 and February this year in Gwersyllt.

Justin Espie, prosecuting, told the court that on September 18 last year, North Wales Police received a call from a woman named Sadie Rodenhurst, with a complaint about her stepson, the defendant.

She explained Lewis was making threats and acting "extremely aggressively."

Ms Rodenhurst had been in a relationship with the defendant's dad for a long time, and she had known the defendant for some 10 years.

She knew his behaviour to be "volatile" and believed he had mental health issues.

The night before she'd called the police, Ms Rodenhurst had been out for a drink with her partner and others.

Lewis had been there but his behaviour saw him being told to leave.


He appeared at the complainant's home later that day and "appeared angry," telling her "he was prepared to go to prison if it meant he could hurt her."

Lewis demanded that his father come out and confront him, saying: "You'll get what's coming to you."

More threatening messages followed.

In February this year, the police were called again after the defendant attended Ms Rodenhurst's home.

He'd been knocking on the door and saying: "Answer the door you fat f***."

Lewis had attended her home numerous times and even turned up at her place of work.

A probation officer told the court Lewis was suitable for intervention by the probation service and that there were "concerns about his ongoing mental health issues."

Pierce Blythen, defending, said: "It's a wholly unpleasant offence and Mr Lewis is full of regret.

"In the foreseeable future, he hopes he could reconcile some form of relationship with his father's partner.

"At present he is an FLT driver and works 50 hours a week.

"There was perhaps a lot going on in his life; it's no excuse for his actions but his mother had moved in with him and he became her carer.

"Issues of drugs and alcohol escalated at that time, whilst he was out of employment.

"He had been using illicit drugs on a regular basis and it spiralled during the offence period."

District Judge Gwyn Jones said: "Mr Lewis, it's clear you were going though a difficult time, made worse by the substances you were taking.

"You were hyper - no doubt unable to manage your emotions.

"Your behaviour was volatile and had a significant impact on your dad's partner."

The Leader:

Lewis received a 16 week custodial sentence, suspended for 18 months.

He must undertake an alcohol abstinence monitoring requirement of 90 days, as well as 30 days of rehabilitation activity and 120 hours of unpaid work.

The defendant must also pay £85 costs and £400 compensation to the complainant.

A five-year restraining order was put in place to stop Lewis contacting or approaching her, either at home or work, or via message.