A MAN who took up a significant amount of police resources due to his threatening behaviour after drinking has been sentenced.

Connah Jones, of Chapel Street in Wrexham, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Monday.

The 29-year-old admitted that on June 1 this year, in Wrexham, he assaulted a police officer - as well as resisting and using threatening or abusive words towards an officer.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court police were called to an incident in Wrexham city centre at around 1am on the day in question, after the defendant had become involved in a physical altercation.

Jones had hold of another person when officers arrived and was instructed to release his grip - but he would not.

The responding officers used captor spray in an effort to restrain Jones, but he grabbed the safety lanyard on the spray and pulled it towards himself.

Finally, he was handcuffed, but he remained "agitated and irate," telling officers: "tell you what - let's go down with a fight."

Mr Espie said a significant amount of time and resources were spent dealing with Jones, as "multiple officers had to be deployed to deal with his threatening behaviour."

Jones lunged and attempted to bite one of the officers when he was being taken to a police car, stating: "Come on, let's have a good fight - we're going to have a good battle."

A probation officer told the court: "He wasn't in a good frame of mind and had been to the Red Lion Pub in Marchwiel.

"People were buying him shots and he doesn't remember much after that.


"He can't remember much about his decision to go into town.

"He appeared shocked when the details of the offences were explained to him."

The court heard Jones enjoyed his job making bus seats at a factory, which he has held for some three months.

Ceri Lewis, defending, told the court: "Mr Jones is genuinely remorseful and was very emotional in the course of interview.

"He couldn't remember anything of the night's events.

"He doesn't know what people were giving him [to drink] but he woke up in the cells.

The Leader:

"He'd welcome probation intervention and has asked me to put forward an exclusion order for all on-licence premises in Wrexham city centre."

The Magistrates handed down a 12 month community order with 20 days of rehabilitation activity to help him explore his "binge drinking."

He was made the subject of a 120 day alcohol abstinence monitoring requirement.

The court also issued a 12 month exclusion order to bar him from entering on-licenced premises in Wrexham county.

Jones must pay a £114 victim surcharge and £85 costs.