CONCERNS have been raised about the dangers of e-bikes and scooters being ridden around a town centre.

At Mold Town Council's June meeting, members agreed to write to North Wales Police regarding the use of bikes and scooters (including electric versions) on pavements and roads in the town.

Members of the council spoke to the Leader this week to share their views on the issue.

Cllr Chris Bithell, who put the item forward to the Town Council for debate, said: "I've seen evidence myself and had complaints from people about this issue, even on a market day when the streets are crowded and have stalls out.

"People are riding on the pavements in the high streets.

"If an elderly person stepped out of a shop and onto the pavement, they could be over the handlebars of someone's bike or hit by a scooter, which could lead to a fall and a broken hip.

"I was in the high street recently and saw a youth going right down the middle of the road, quite fast, on an electric scooter


"It's happening on a regular basis and it could have serious consequences when they're being used in a busy high street where there's lots of traffic. That's extremely dangerous."

Mold Mayor Cllr Brian Lloyd said: "We have had some complaints about lads on bikes coming through the streets on scooters and bikes, including in the market.

"Some of these are heavy - if you get hit in the back it could do some damage.

"And they're so silent, don't know they're behind you.

"Sometimes you get two people riding them and they go like hell through the precinct.

"One came up behind my a few weeks ago and it was going everywhere."

Cllr Haydn Jones told the Leader he tried to get support from colleagues for banning bikes in Daniel Owen Square, but was unsuccessful.

He explained: "I raised concerns a few years ago because there was a few incidents where bikes had gone into people - they were just riding around willy-nilly.

"I still say it should be a cycle-free area.

"I think it is a very big problem. I don't know why bikes think they should be on the footpaths; they're just whizzing past and have no concerns for other people.

"They're a nuisance for the elderly."