CONCERNS have been raised over reductions to bus services in a Wrexham village.

From this week, Arriva have introduced new timetables across Wrexham. The new timetable has resulted in the removal of some journeys serving Tanyfron at busy times.

The changes have resulted in longer journey times with some passengers now unable to find space on the buses.

Residents on social media have heavily criticised the changes describing them as "confusing" with one describing the service as already being "not adequate" before the changes.

Another resident complaining about the longer journey times described it as a "tour bus" stating that the journey home now took 45 minutes.

County Councillor Paul Rogers who has previously criticised Arriva Buses and Wrexham Council over the lack of consultation with the community or local councillors, has secured a meeting next week with both parties to discuss the situation.

He said: "Since it has been confirmed that changes were to be made to Service 14, I have raised concerns on behalf of local residents.

"These services are amongst the busiest of the day. Many rely on these to go to work, to take their children to school, to get to college and has been no consultation with the community or elected councillors.

"Whilst it is welcome that the council secured a fair share of regional transport funding, five services a day are being removed from Tanyfron.


"The timetable speaks for itself with some parents now having to get more than one bus to take their children to and from school and residents having to get on a bus in the opposite direction to get to work, which in some cases has almost doubled journey times

"I will hope that Arriva and the council will recognise the impact of these changes and reverse them as soon as possible."

A spokesperson for Arriva Wales said: “We are aware of Cllr Rogers’ views and we are meeting him and representatives of the council to discuss this matter.”

Councillor David A Bithell Lead Member for Housing and climate change said: "We note Cllr Rogers concerns, however, as outlined in the scrutiny committee last month this funding is part of the Regional pot of £5.6 million which is used to support bus routes across North Wales Councils."