THE Rotary Club of Flint and Holywell is honouring a dedicated GP at Pendre Surgery who sadly passed away earlier this year.

Dr Gruffydd Jones was a long serving Rotary Club member and GP for over 32-years in Holywell, Flintshire.

He died peacefully at home in March 2024, aged 82.

Following a recent meeting of the Rotary Club, it was agreed that the club would honour his life with an annual award at Ysgol Treffynnon. 

For many years, Rotary has sponsored an annual award to a student chosen by the school who has made a significant contribution to community life, both in school and in the wider community. 

The club has said it seems fitting to now dedicate this award to a "true gentleman" who in his professional career has given benefit to so many.

Born in Bangor, Dr Gruff was raised near Caernarfon before studying medicine in Liverpool. He acquired his first job in Bermuda before settling in Holywell.

He retired in 2001, but continued his work with the British Medical Association. 

Long-serving Rotarian Barry Harrison said: "Gruff was a popular and well-respected GP in Holywell for 32 years and served his patients with caring support and more importantly was always willing to take time to listen and carefully respond to the needs of those in need of the NHS.


"As an additional role, he served the profession for many years as Secretary of the North Wales Medical Committee and during my 10-year tenure as Chair the Local Health Board was constructive in support of improving services for the local community.

"A colleague and friend sorely missed."

The award will be made for the first-time at the school on July 8.