PUPILS at a Wrexham primary school have finished the latest stage of an ongoing project.

The group of Wellbeing Ambassadors from Holt CP School, made up of children from Year 2 to 6, have worked hard throughout the year to promote wellbeing within the school and the local community.

The group also look for ways in which the health and wellbeing aspect of the curriculum can be linked to other areas such as literacy, numeracy and expressive arts.

Having previously created two relaxing wellbeing areas within the school, the group have now successfully completed an outdoor wellbeing area.

Outdoor wellbing area at Holt CP School.

Outdoor wellbing area at Holt CP School.

Sally Hughes, health and wellbeing lead for the school, said: "The group have been working on our outdoor area for some time. They have sought funding from local businesses, worked to a given budget, measured the space for the area and researched and purchased the items they needed.

"We are thrilled with the finished area, and it is already a much-loved space for the children to enjoy. We would like to say a huge thank you to the Farndon Soapbox Derby and M&N Car Sales, Holt for their very kind donations, which made creating this area possible.

"We would also like to thank our parents Mr Jones, Mr Todd and Mr and Mrs Jenkins for helping us to build and decorate the area and our very kind community member, Mr Bithell for making us a planter."

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As well as creating the outdoor wellbeing area, the group have been busy working on a project in collaboration with Maesglas Care Home, in Holt.

Mrs Hughes was successful in securing an intergenerational grant from Wrexham Council, to enable the children at the school and the residents from the home to come together.

Last month the Wellbeing Ambassadors accompanied by Mrs Hughes and Gill Jones, health and wellbeing governor for the school, visited Maesglas to complete a garden mural.

The completed mural at Maesglas Care Home.

The completed mural at Maesglas Care Home.

The group worked under the guidance of graffiti artist Dime One, aka Mr Andy Birch.

Mrs Hughes said: "The ambassadors came up with the theme for the mural which is linked to the local area of Holt.

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It was a very successful visit; the children learnt lots of expressive arts techniques from Andy and they had great fun painting the mural.

"It was also lovely to talk with the residents and see the huge benefits to both residents and the children when they come together to engage with projects such as this.

Holt CP School pupils with residents at Maesglas Care Home.

Holt CP School pupils with residents at Maesglas Care Home.

"I am extremely proud of the children; they were a credit to our school, and I would like to thank them all for their continuous hard work to ensure the wellbeing of our whole school community is catered for.

"We are also really pleased to note that Sue Ashman, manager at Maesglas, also commented the residents and staff love the mural and what a pleasure it was to have the children visit."

Mrs Hughes and the Wellbeing Ambassadors are now looking forward to utilising the remainder of the grant money to further develop the garden at the home and to establish a monthly gardening club, which will create a long-lasting link between the residents and children.