WREXHAM Tennis Centre say they have had "several frustrating delays" during the start of their redevelopment work. 

The centre is undergoing a series of refurbishment and redevelopment works courtesy of £2m of UK Government funding.  

The money is being used to transform the centre, as well as being used to resurface all existing tennis courts, install floodlights, and make several other improvements.

In addition, the centre also plans to use this money to build three outdoor padel courts. 

The Tennis Centre's plansThe Tennis Centre's plans (Image: Wrexham Council planning documents)

However, with work meant to be starting this summer, the redevelopments have hit a series of snags, with dates of work starting being pushed back. 

There are hopes that work will start near August or September, but final confirmations are still required. 

A spokesperson for Wrexham Tennis Centre said: "The redevelopment project has seen several frustrating delays that have moved the start date of works back further than initially expected.

"The process required to start the project is complex as it involves the legal interests of the centre, the club and Wrexham Council together with the strict requirements of our main funding bodies, SPF and the LTA. It has and continues to be essential to ensure that the long-term interests of the club and centre are protected in the new arrangements.

"Recent weeks have witnessed a considerable amount of redesign work as a direct consequence of a proportion of the budget being needed to be spent on critical building repairs not contained in the initial plans.

"The team at the centre would like everyone to know that considerable progress has been made on all matters and we anticipate being in a position to sign off with the main contractor shortly.

"The delays have affected our timelines, but we will continue to address the project in two phases, the external court works and then the internal facelift."

The centre say that all external work is now fully specified to LTA approved standards and will be provided by LTA approved suppliers.


The spokesperson added: "The main area of concern is the continued bad weather which has delayed acrylic court laying across the UK this spring, creating a large backlog of projects. On this note, we are working with our contractors to find a suitable period in August-September

"A full displacement plan is in place for when work goes ahead with access to new outdoor court facilities in Wrexham when required, so players will be able to find courts throughout the summer.

"The installation of padel courts is less weather dependant, and we anticipate this going ahead as planned at the end of this year.

"The main focus of the internal works is anticipated to go ahead in September and will be focused on the modernisation of the public areas at the front of the site, in particular the toilet and changing facilities."