PARKING issues in Flintshire are ongoing, with police issuing yet another polite notice to residents this weekend.

Just last month, North Wales Police said they had received 'multiple reports' of inconsiderate parking of vehicles throughout the county.

While the vast majority of motorists park in a considerate manner and only park on pavements when there may be a valid reason, for example emergencies or loading; there is a minority of motorists who appear to abandon their vehicles without any consideration for pedestrians.

One such case came in the village of Mostyn, where cars had been parked on a junction, obstructing the views of other drivers.

Now, NWP have warned that issues have also arisen in Garden City, at Sealand.


PCSO Aled Hughes of NWP's Flintshire North team explained: "We have been notified that a number of vehicles are being parked in the area near to 31 Welsh Rd and The Spar shop causing issues.

"If you see that it is causing an issue, please notify one of the local councillors or Flintshire County Council."

Parking issues are a long-standing problem in both Flintshire and Wrexham.

Flintshire Council has also recently set up a Task and Finish Group regarding parking issues outside schools.