A STALKER who bombarded his wife with unwanted calls and messages has been put behind bars.

Jamie Gudger, of Coast Road in Mostyn, appeared for sentence at Mold Magistrates Court on Thursday.

The 39-year-old had previously admitted an offence of stalking without fear/alarm/distress.

Prosecutor Rhian Jackson told the court that the victim of the offence was the defendant's wife, Sarah Gudger.

During their marriage of more than 10 years, the couple had split up twice; once in 2022 and then three weeks prior to the offences before the court.

Mrs Gudger described their relationship as "up and down," and "toxic."

The court heard the defendant was a "heavy drinker" and became "very abusive" after consuming alcohol.

He had been in court for the same offence in December 2022, for which he received a one year custodial term, suspended for 18 months.

Following that sentence, he claimed he would change and completed a detox programme.

The couple rekindled the relationship and all was well while he was sober for a time.

But he started drinking again and the relationship ended after a holiday in March this year, during which the defendant asked his wife for money at the airport in order to buy booze.


Between April 28 and May 24, he made many attempts to speak with and contact her.

If she didn't respond straight away, he'd ask why - and would then change to Facebook, text and calling her.

She felt he was "trying to get in her head," asking her: "Why can't I just come home?"

Despite ignoring the defendant on the advice of DASU, the victim continued to be bombarded with regular messages including: "What's the matter? Why are you ignoring me? Have I done something? I don't get it."

He also turned up at her address.

On one occasion, he asked if she could "feel his presence," and told her she'd left her window "wide open."

This upset her, as it indicated he was behind her Saltney home - in a place he'd stood and watched her before.

Andrew Holliday, defending, told the court: "Following their daughter's birth, Sarah had heart issues which hospitalized her.

"She was wheelchair bound for a period of time and Mr Gudger became her main carer, giving up his employment to look after his wife through those difficulties.

"It came to a head in 2022 when, he accepts, the pressures of day to day caring for and supporting Sarah led him to drink excessively.

"He put himself through detox and rehab and in 2023 the relationship was good - until around April time, when the arguments started.

"Mr Gudger returned to the drink and the relationship broke down again.

"He pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity.

The Leader:

"Sarah is essentially saying she wants to reconcile and if he addresses his drinking they will try again."

District Judge Gwyn Jones told the defendant: "It is clear your conduct at the time showed you still wanted to exert a degree of very unhealthy control over a person who had been an important part of your life.

"It is clear there is history between you and the relationship is somewhat complex."

Given Gudger had breached his 12 month suspended sentence, the Judge activated it in full.

He also handed down a 16 week term of imprisonment for the latest offence to be served consecutive, giving Gudger a total prison sentence of 68 weeks.

The Judge imposed a five year restraining order to prohibit the defendant from entering the street where the victim lives.