LOCAL authorities should have more of a say in transport priorities according to the new Secretary for Transport in Wales. 

Ken Skates, the Welsh Government’s Cabinet Secretary for North Wales and Transport,  has said he wants to see a greater role for local authorities in determining transport priorities. 

Carolyn Thomas MS for North Wales has been in regular contact with local authorities regarding road safety measures including the roll out of 20mph. 

Ms Thomas raised their concerns in the Senedd and at committee that at present grant funding for road safety measures can be too prescriptive, labour intensive, and that decision making should be taken by local authorities who have the best knowledge about their local area. 

Ms Thomas has also been a regular advocate for increased funding for fixing pavements and potholes which can be especially dangerous for pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists, as well as other road users if left to deteriorate. 

Mr Skates responded positively, saying he agrees that local authorities should have a greater role in determining road investment and making key decisions on road safety. 


Speaking in the Senedd chamber Ms Thomas also asked for funding decisions to be passed to local authorities. 

She said: “Are you looking at devolving the funding as well to local authorities, so that they can make decisions about safe routes around schools and communities, 20 mph, and maintenance of highway and pavements at a local level.” 

Mr Skates replied:  “Absolutely, yes.

"We're looking at the overall envelope of funding for local authorities through local transport grants and other forms of funding. My view is that we need to be less prescriptive. 

“We need to give the greatest degree of flexibility that we can to local authorities. We want to make sure that we can enable and empower them to be able to make the decisions that are right for their communities. So, yes, we will be looking at devolving not just the decision-making processes, but also the funding.”