A WREXHAM man forced his way into a woman's home in a terrifying incident fuelled by alcohol and prescription medication, a court heard.

Ryan Cook, of Avon Close, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday for sentence.

The 22-year-old had previously admitted two offences of criminal damage and one of vehicle interference.

Prosecutor Rhian Jackson told the court that the first criminal damage related to a woman named Hanna Kierojczyk, who was at her home in Ruabon Road on November 3 last year.

She was watching TV at almost midnight when the doorbell rang.

Ms Kierojczyk was not expecting anyone and did not open the door.

But a male, Cook, asked her to open it, telling her he was "looking for friends."

He also told her: "I'm from the Army and I'm going to look after you."

When the victim refused, Cook became angry and kicked the door, repeating he was "from the Army."

He kicked the door and eventually forced his way in.

Ms Kierojczyk ran to her lounge and closed the door, separating them.


Cook kept trying the handle and kicking the door, telling her he wanted to "be her friend" and that he "had a big one," which terrified the victim as she believed he was capable of raping her.

She called the police, and when officers arrived Cook stopped what he was doing.

The vehicle interference was committed on the same date, when a woman realised her VW Golf - which had been parked in Trevor Street - had been accessed.

Her glove box had been pulled out and an untidy search had been carried out.

She found Cook's mobile phone in the back of the vehicle.

The second criminal damage related to a Ford Mondeo belonging to a woman named Sarah Waite, which took place on the same day.

She discovered the vehicle interior had been damaged, particularly the centre console and plastic housing around the handbrake.

Ms Waite found a set of keys and a wallet inside the vehicle, containing Cook's bank cards and driving licence.

The vehicle was written off by the victim's insurance - the cost of repairs having come to £3,800.

A probation officer told the court: "He has a limited recollection of the offence, but remembers waking up in the cells.

"Around that time he was prescribed anti-depressants and sleeping tablets.

"He tells me before he went out that evening, he took the medication, including the sleeping tablets, which he wouldn't normally do.

"Then he consumed quite a bit of alcohol. He believes the combination of medication and alcohol could have contributed to his behaviour.

"He originally comes from Haverfordwest, and after completing his education he went into the Army, before deciding it was not for him.

"He's had various jobs in retail, deliveries and warehouses but has been unemployed since April."

David Matthews, defending, told the court: "He has supportive grandparents and his girlfriend, who think highly of him.

"And to his credit his approach has been very straight forward in showing remorse.

"He is very sorry for what happened but his recollection is almost zero.

"He'd taken the sleeping tablets, the anti-depressants and then the alcohol.

"He doesn't remember anything after 10.30pm.

The Leader:

"It is an impulsive act committed whilst out of his normal senses and he has never done anything like this before."

For the damage to the Ford Mondeo, the Magistrates fined the defendant £80 and ordered him to pay £800 in compensation.

For the criminal damage to Ms Kierojczyk's door, he must pay a £120 fine, as well as £150 compensation for the damage and £250 compensation for the stress he caused her on the night.

An £80 fine was handed down for the vehicle interference.

Cook must also pay £85 costs and a £128 victim surcharge, bringing his total financial imposition to just under £1,700.