A DOCUMENTARY which two young Flintshire men helped create is shining a light on the issue of violence against women.

Sound Lad is a powerful 15-minute film, focusing on society’s perceptions of masculinity, and how damaging stereotypes can cause deep seated issues for men when it comes to relationships.

The documentary has been created as part of the Welsh Government’s award-winning Sound campaign – which has spent the last year working with young men in Wales to educate them about gender-based violence and healthy relationships, with the aim of ending violence against women, domestic abuse, and sexual violence.

Andrew Jenkins, a star of the latest series of The Traitors, appeared in the documentary.Andrew Jenkins, a star of the latest series of The Traitors, appeared in the documentary. (Image: Cowshed)

Young men from a range of backgrounds across Wales were given the opportunity to produce the film, and in doing so, immerse themselves in the topic of gender-based violence, while also learning professional production skills and gaining essential life skills.

Cal Roberts, a music producer from Bagillt, was a researcher for the documentary, along with Luke Davies, also from the village.

Cal said said: “I think if SOUND had been around when I was younger, it would’ve healed my issues quicker and made me address problematic behaviours sooner.

"The project has helped me because it made me reflect on my past behaviours, and how many of them stemmed from my relationships with other men, including my dad. Being part of this project has been a kind of redemption for me for the times when I’ve hurt people with my behaviours.

"From the research we did for the film, it became clear that conversations are key. I truly believe the project will be a driver for positive change via open conversations between lads and their friends."

Cal added: "The Sound campaign was a real learning curve for me, both in terms of film making and social responsibility. Myself and my creative partner Luke Davies hadn't made a documentary before, so the whole process was a chance for us to gain new skills and hopefully make an impact on the safety of women in Wales."

Luke said: "I think an important stage in the next steps of the campaign would be to open up the dialogue to younger people, and discuss the issues with young lads as they start getting into their first relationships."


Gender-based violence is prevalent across England and Wales, with four million women and girls reporting crimes by men and boys each year.

The campaign brings men into the conversation, to see what they can do help become part of the solution.

Sound Lad, was filmed in Wrexham, Flintshire, Newport, Denbighshire and Cardiff and takes in honest accounts from men, including those who openly admit their behaviour hasn’t been ‘sound’ in the past.

Lee Evans – a keen gymgoer who hosts the Zito Run podcast – features in the documentary. He said: “All I can do is own what I’ve done in the past and hold myself accountable for my issues. 

“But like many other households in the UK and around the world, my kids got to see stuff they shouldn’t have, and it still guts me to be honest.”

The documentary also covers issues like intergenerational trauma, peer pressure, and the influence of social media personalities. 

Cal said: “Young men need love. That’s a difficult thing to touch on with your dad when you’ve never-ever spoken about that kind of stuff. And I can’t imagine he’d ever spoken to his dad about that sort of stuff. 

“I think there’s some generational stuff that goes on that causes us to be a bit broken maybe sometimes.

He added: “Conversation is the key to it all. It’s the key to undoing some of these problematic behaviours.”

In the documentary, Sound’s award-winning work and innovative approach to community engagement is highlighted. 

From sessions in a boxing gym and conversations with professional footballers to talks with reality stars and students, men from all walks of life have helped shape this film with their open accounts of what it means to be a man – and how they can create safe spaces to encourage openness among their peers, with the aim of eradicating gender-based violence.