A LOVE of driving has seen a Wrexham man help others behind the wheel for three decades.

This month sees Nigel Richards celebrate 30 years of teaching learner drivers across the region.

The Nigel Richards Driving School (NRDS), in Tanyfron was set up in 1994, as a solo venture.

The 60-year-old said: "It was myself for many years. I was still working full-time driving a truck and decided I wanted to become a driving instructor.

"I wanted to work for myself. I enjoyed people and driving, so combined those two loves together.

"It was a bit of a struggle the first 12 months but I loved the job so much, I kept plugging at it."


The team of Nigel Richards Driving School. Photo: Babs Boardwell Photography

The team of Nigel Richards Driving School. Photo: Babs Boardwell Photography


Thankfully he did, and went on to be the reason behind many people in Wrexham and beyond becoming fully licensed drivers.

Nigel now has a team of 17, with another 15 in training.

He said: "My first ever pupil I ever gave a lesson to was called Sarah Burkhill, and I've taught some of her children to drive.

"My first pass was a lad called Charlie. Then I realised I could do it and built it up from there.

"I took a part-time job with the Village Bakery, delivering cream cakes to Shrewsbury, starting at 4am, working through until 10am.

"That freed my day up so I could gradually expand the school more. I did that for about 18 months before taking the step to go full-time with the driving school.

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"I wanted to take on someone else for years but never took the step to do it, then I read a book called The Chimp Paradox (by Prof Steve Peters) in the late 2000s, and that's when I started to expand it.

"I took on one or two to start and then a few ex-pupils, including Nick Roberts and Jenny Thompson, wanted to become driving instructors, and are still with me to this day.

"From there I went on a course to train instructors, and that's when I started taking it even more seriously."


The very first rooftop signs for Nigel Richards Driving School.

The very first rooftop signs for Nigel Richards Driving School.


Like many during covid, the pandemic was a "really weird" time for Nigel, but he made the most of the summer. And a good job too, as work at the driving school hasn't stopped since restrictions were lifted.

What is it that has kept Nigel going for all these years? He said: "A love of driving. I've been obsessed with driving since I was 12-years-old, when I first started to drive tractors around the local farms of Eyton, where I grew up.

"I never wanted to do anything else other than driving. From 18, I've never done anything for a living other than drive or teach people to drive."

Nigel takes great pride in being a part of such a milestone event in people's lives, and never gives up on any learner.

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He adds: "The ones who struggle are the ones who make you a good instructor. There's a pattern of teaching people. Pupils are only nervous because they feel afraid, it's the unknown."

Looking back on his time at NRDS, Instructor Nick Roberts said: "Nigel taught me to drive when I was 17 after being the fourth member of my family to learn with him, and I passed my test in 2006, three days before my 18th birthday!

"Little did I think back then that 11 years later I would be knocking on his door asking him to now train me to become a driving instructor!


The team of Nigel Richards Driving School. Photo: Babs Boardwell Photography

The team of Nigel Richards Driving School. Photo: Babs Boardwell Photography


"Nigel is, and has always been, an extremely approachable guy whose love for the job propelled him into expanding his business further, and when I inquired, he was only too happy to train me.

"He then took me under his wing once I subsequently passed all my required tests to become an Approved Driving Instructor, of which I managed to pass at first attempt, just as I did when I learned to drive back in 2005/6.

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"It really was telling of his incredible teaching abilities that I was so successful in each of my attempts, and I was only too pleased, when I asked if I could drive under his banner, that he welcomed me with open arms.

"Since 2017 I have been trying to emulate Nigel, who started from the bottom and really has become a role model in many ways, continuing to expand the business with absolutely no sign of slowing down.

"The sky really is the limit, and I am now revelling in the opportunity to help train even more instructors to join the NRDS brand, as we bid to become the biggest driving school in the UK."

Elisha Evison is another former pupil of Nigel's, and now looks after admin and organisation at NRDS.

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She said: "As someone who has not only passed their driving test with Nigel but has also known him all my life, I am deeply honoured to talk about him and the school that has become a cornerstone of our community.

"From the very beginning, Nigel has been more than just a driving instructor. I first met Nigel through my mother, his childhood best friend, the stories he has told and the great relationship both our families had.

"His guidance was not limited to the driving lessons that saw me through my test with flying colours, it extended into invaluable advice that helped navigate other crucial parts of my career.


An early pass pupil of Nigel Richards.

An early pass pupil of Nigel Richards.


"Nigel's passion for teaching, both students and new driving instructors, and his genuine care resonates deeply with me. He doesn't just teach people to drive, he teaches them how to carry themselves with confidence, grace under pressure and truly changes their lives.

"What truly sets Nigel apart is his ability to inspire and motivate everyone around him. He has a unique talent for recognising potential and encouraging it to flourish. This quality has made him a beloved mentor to many, including myself. His commitment to excellence is contagious, influencing not only teaching but changing team NRDS' lives.

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"Reflecting on the past 30 years, I see Nigel's profound impact that stretches well beyond the confines of the driving school. He has built a community and a legacy that will undoubtedly continue to influence generations. Personally, now working alongside Nigel, contributing to the growth of the school, and continuing to learn from him is not just a professional achievement but a profound honour."

Nigel's first ever pupil Sarah Burkhill remembers her time with him fondly.

She said: "Nigel was very excited to be up and running with his own business. Not sure if he was ready for me though!! Ultra patient but very expressive about how people should drive I think I tested his nerve and broke him in.

"He would guide me perfectly to the next junction/roundabout in his lovely calming way but I was such a late braker his feet were hovering over the pedals.

"I sadly failed my test first time but was so good at reversing he said I should have done my test like that and I'd have flown through it. He was so patient but super switched on as to how people learned.

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"What a guy, no wonder he has been so successful. I pride myself in being the one who threw him into the deep end. He really gave me the confidence to be the best driver I can be."

Not someone to do things by half, it doesn't come as a surprise that Nigel has no plans to give it up anytime soon.

He said: "I've no plans to call it a day, I enjoy it so much I don't feel like I've worked a day in the last 30 years, and I want others to carry on the love of driving."

Along with his team, friends and family, Nigel plans to have a celebration bash this month to mark his 30 years of business.

For more details on NRDS, visit: nigelrichardsdrivingschool.co.uk

Did you learn to drive with Nigel? If you have a story to share or would like to pass on your congratulations, email claire.pierce@newsquest.co.uk