A MAN who stole £3,000 worth of fuel from his employer as a favour to another person has been branded "extremely foolish."

Gary Pagani, of Hope View in Buckley, appeared at Mold Magistrates Court on Thursday afternoon.

The 53-year-old admitted one offence of theft by employee, which happened on November 17 last year.

Rachel Drew, prosecuting, told the court that at the time of the offence, Pagani worked for a company called Turners Distribution, which collects and distributes fuel.

At around 6am on the day of the offence, the defendant parked his HGV with a trailer laden with diesel at the site of North Wales Moulding in Factory Road, Deeside.

There, he unloaded 2,000 litres of diesel into a pair of bulk containers - which he had no permission to do.

The fuel unloaded was worth just over £3,000.


Pagani got back into the HGV and drove off.

When he was interviewed by police, he admitted what he'd done and said it was a favour for someone else, and that he'd been "pressured" into doing it.

He would not say for whom he'd committed the offence, or why.

Defending himself at the hearing, he said: "It was a stupid thing to do, I was pressured.

"It was a moment of madness and I apologise."

District Judge Gwyn Jones said: "Was it worth it? I think I know the answer."

"No," the defendant said.

The Leader:

The Judge continued: "That diesel was left at the North Wales Moulding plant and as a result others may have taken advantage of your extremely foolish act.

"You didn't tell the police who persuaded you do to this, but you therefore have to take responsibility for your actions."

Pagani received a 26 week term of imprisonment - but it was suspended for 12 months.

He must pay compensation to the value of £3,004.08, as well as £85 costs.