A HEROIC little boy from Wrexham sprung into action after finding his mum collapsed.

Six-year-old Toby Pickering found his mum, Megan Amsden, collapsed in the bathroom of their home in Llay earlier this month.

Despite his age, Toby, who attends Park Community School in Llay, rushed to the aid of his mum. 

Megan, aged 26, said: "I felt a sharp pain in my head, like a migraine but more severe. I went to thebathroom, as I thought I was going to vomit.

"The next thing I remember is waking up to Toby on the phone to the ambulance service. He had used Siri on my iPhone to text his dad, who told him to call the ambulance."

And while dealing with the ambulance service, which he was on the phone with for 20 minutes, Toby looked after his three-year-old sisters. He kept them away from seeing their mum collapsed by giving them colouring and Lego to do in their bedroom.


Megan said: "‘I’m incredibly proud of the actions Toby took in not only getting me help but making sure his little sisters were looked after at the same time.

"He certainly is our little hero."

Megan was taken to Wrexham Maelor Hospital, whereby she underwent a number of scans and tests which were unable to find the cause of why she collapsed. 

"They said it may have been stress related or due to a virus," she said. Thankfully, Megan has suffered no lasting effects from the incident. 

Rebecca Billington, headteacher at Park Community School, said: "Toby's brave actions that day were simply wonderful, and we have celebrated what he did to help his mum and sisters at school.

"We are all very proud of him and hope that his story inspires others to do the same, if they are faced with similar circumstances. He is quite the little hero and we love that he is part of the Park CP family."