A MAN who stole hundreds of pounds worth of alcohol from a supermarket just after Christmas has been spared jail.

Andrei-Daniel Dinca, of Brunswick Road in Lozells and East Handsworth, Birmingham, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

The 28-year-old admitted that on December 30, he stole alcohol to the value of £419 from Sainsbury's supermarket at Plas Coch Retail Park in Wrexham.

Justin Espie, prosecuting, told the court that Dinca attended the store and concealed the alcohol.

CCTV images of him were circulated and he was identified after facial recognition tools found a match.

Lorraine McClure, defending, told the court: "On the sentencing guidelines it would appear that perhaps this was planned.


"I spoke to the defendant and he said he had visited Wrexham for the day; he came with a friend."

But District Judge Gwyn Jones said: "Plas Coch isn't on the usual list of things people come and view...

"People might want to come and see the Racecourse, the Turf - but Sainsbury's in Plas Coch? 

"Not, I think, on the tourist route."

Ms McClure said: "Indeed. This defendant was very honest and admitted his guilt.

"He said he simply took those items for himself and not for resale.

"There's no indication of any form of drug habit or other dependence."

The District Judge told the defendant: "This was, in my view, a matter whereby you travelled to Wrexham, made your way to Plas Coch and Sainsbury's and there you stole items.

The Leader:

"There's some degree of planning and whilst it's just after Christmas, it's clear that this amount of alcohol may not be something one person could consume in a reasonable period of time.

"It suggests you may have targeted high value goods that can be sold on the alternative market."

The Judge handed down an eight week custodial sentence for the offence, but suspended it for 12 months.

Dinca must pay compensation of £419, as well as £85 costs.