A MAN who crashed his car into the back of a school minibus carrying children claimed to have 'a lot on his mind' at the time.

Robert Jones, of Whitford Road in Whitford, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday morning.

The 46-year-old had been convicted at a previous hearing of driving whilst disqualified and driving without due care and attention.

Both offences took place on the A55 at Pentre Halkyn.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that at around 2pm on April 16 this year, a Hyundai minibus carrying teachers and schoolchildren was joining the A55 eastbound.

The driver of the minibus slowed down before joining - but before they were able to, Robert Jones collided with the rear end in his VW Polo.


Police officers were in the local area and attended the scene, where it was discovered Jones was in fact a banned driver.

After interviewing the defendant, a probation officer told the court: "He accepts he went out on the day when he shouldn't have and said he had a lot on his mind when he did crash the vehicle.

"He said the whole incident was 'a big mistake' which he regrets.

"Mr Jones says it was his vehicle which was written off as he took the brunt of the impact; the other vehicle had some dents.

"He didn't present as someone trying to minimise his behaviour."

The officer told the court Jones is in full time employment and is a full time carer for his parents.

The Leader:

He expressed a willingness to work with the probation service, the court heard.

In very brief representations to the court, Jones (defending himself) apologised for his actions.

District Judge Gwyn Jones handed down a 12 month community order with 10 rehabilitation activity days and 120 hours of unpaid work.

Jones was banned from driving for nine months and must pay £85 costs as well as a fine of £150 and a £114 victim surcharge.