THE PE departments at two Flintshire high schools are teaming up to put on an event aimed at promoting physical activity on the back of National School Sports Week 2024 which runs until Sunday.

Flint High School and St Richard Gwyn Catholic High School are hosting a summer sports play night on Tuesday, June 25 aimed at promoting involvement in athletics, rounders and cricket.

Students from Years 7 to 9 can attend the event which will run from 3.30pm-5pm.

A group of girls who played football at the first sports play night event.

A group of girls who played football at the first sports play night event.

It's the second sports play night the schools have put on in recent months. The first multisport event focused on netball, football and badminton, with 65 students taking part.

Ashleigh Davies, acting curriculum leader of PE at Flint High School, said: "We are looking forward to our second sports play night next week. The first event was a great success, and we hope to see even more students turning up to get involved this time.

"We want to encourage students to have a go, try something new and above all, inspire them to be active and healthy. We all know how much physical activity has a positive impact on our overall wellbeing, and the tremendous benefits it can bring to our lives.

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"All students are welcome to come along. Based on last time, it will be a great evening."

It's a busy term for Flint High's Year 10 GCSE PE students, too. Having completed their Level 1 Street Games Activator Football Award through LLS, the students are now working towards their Level 1 Street Games Activator Multisport Award.

The awards equip students with the skills and knowledge to introduce new activities to groups within a variety of settings, with an emphasis on fun and adaptation as opposed to technical ability. They also help boost a student's CV when applying for employment, apprenticeships or university in the future.

Next month the students will have the opportunity to attend the Healthy Careers Day at Wrexham University and The Football Association of Wales' BE. Football Festival at Colliers Park, Wrexham.