By Sam Rowlands

MS for North Wales

In the Welsh Parliament this week, the Welsh Conservatives are holding a debate on nuclear energy.

Making the most of nuclear is vitally important for the future of our country, and plays a particularly significant role in our area of North Wales.

Take for example the proposals for a new gigawatt power plant at Wylfa in Anglesey, which really is ideally located for a large-scale nuclear power station. That investment will create well-paid and high-skilled jobs across North Wales, and strengthen the supply chain which further benefits the economy.

Significantly, it will also help to deliver cheaper, cleaner and more secure energy. That will be good for the environment and energy bills. It’s a win-win for everyone involved!

We’ve seen the terrible impact that Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine has had – not just in terms of the terrible human cost, but on those energy bills which have skyrocketed as a result for people across the world. It underlines the need for the United Kingdom and others to have energy security.

So, the investment in Wylfa is a welcome move by the UK Government, and I’m calling on the Welsh Government to do more in order to fully utilise the economic boost that will come from the new nuclear site.

For example, we’ll need people with the right skills to work at Wylfa. That’s a great opportunity for educational institutions to run courses that can train young people and offer apprenticeships to supply workers for the future.

That means there is the very real chance for young people to stay in our area with well-paid, highly skilled jobs. Instead of the ‘brain drain’ which is often written about, I can see us actually attracting people to the region.

Long-term, that could transform North Wales and make us a globally-renowned location for high-quality nuclear energy and all the benefits that brings. There are plenty of big companies who will value that talent pool – but we have to get it right now for those benefits to come down the track later on.

As ever, if you have any queries or issues you’d like to raise with me, then you can get in touch by emailing