PARKING issues have led to 'high visibility' police patrols being carried out at a Wrexham school.

Earlier this month, designated new 'no stopping' zones have been implemented outside schools in Wrexham in a bid to deal with problem parking. 

Wrexham Council has published a series of notices of new zones, as well existing no stopping areas which have been renewed. 

But, despite this, problems are ongoing outside of some schools in the area.

North Wales Police have issued a warning that 'high visibility patrols' are currently being carried out at Rhosymedre Primary School in order to deter problem parkers.


PCSO Dean Sawyer of the NWP Wrexham Rural team explained: "North Wales Police have received complaints of inconsiderate and dangerous parking near the Rhosymedre School at drop-off and pickup times.

"As a result North Wales Police are conducting high visibility patrols at the location."

That school is currently not one of the 'no stopping zones' in effect from Wrexham Council.

Other sites in Acton, Borras, Gresford and more are under monitoring as of earlier this month.

But, council official say it is currently in the process of erecting no stopping signage at further locations to warn motorists that it is enforceable by traffic wardens who will issue tickets to cars parked there.