WREXHAM Council recently undertook some blue badge checks in the city centre.

Waterworld and the Library car parks, Egerton Street, Duke Street, St Mark’s Road, Priory Street, Regent Street, King Street, Rhosddu Road, the disabled bays at Wrexham Bus Station, Upper Town Hill, High Street and Yorke Street were all chosen as they are known locations for high blue badge use.

Badge holders welcomed the checks being completed by the council's enforcement officers.

In total 167 blue badges were checked on the day and specific advice was given on how to use the badge correctly and areas where badges can be used.

Officers found only one badge out of date and two cases of possible misuse.

Cllr Mark Pritchard, leader of the council with responsibility for parking enforcement, said: “The blue badge system is meant for those with a genuine disability and it’s unacceptable that people are abusing the badge system.


"It’s good to know that badge holders were positive about the checks and welcomed them.

"Time and time again we see cars in disabled spaces without a blue badge and it’s unfair on those who genuinely need to park in these spaces and we will take a zero tolerance view of it.

“Please ensure the badge scheme is not abused to ensure that those who are entitled to use them to go about their daily tasks with independence and dignity can do so.”