A CELEBRATED professor has received an honorary fellowship from Wrexham University for his services to science.

Originally hailing from Ponciau, Wrexham, John E. Moses, 49, is a Professor of Click Chemistry and a member of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Cancer Center (New York).

His research, positioned at the crossroads of chemistry and biology, is dedicated to pioneering Click Chemistry techniques for discovering new anticancer and antibiotic medications.

Dr Moses’s academic journey commenced at NEWI, Yale college (now Wrexham University), where he was awarded a BTEC National Diploma in Science.

His journey in science continued with undergraduate studies at the University of Bath, followed by a DPhil at Oxford under the mentorship of Sir Jack Baldwin, FRS.

John Moses and his father, Adrian MosesJohn Moses and his father, Adrian Moses (Image: Wrexham University)

A defining moment in his career arrived in 2004, when he joined the group of Professor K. B. Sharpless, a two-time Nobel laureate, at The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, USA, contributing to advancements in Click Chemistry.

Dr Moses and his friend and mentor, Dr Sharpless, continue to collaborate and publish together.

In 2005, Dr Moses was honoured with the RCUK-EPSRC Fellowship in Cancer Medicinal Chemistry at University College London's School of Pharmacy, where his pioneering efforts in Click Chemistry facilitated groundbreaking research in anticancer drug development.

After spells in Nottingham and Melbourne (Australia), he accepted the position of Founding Professor of Chemistry and Synthesis at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in 2020.

He is the director for a new postgraduate research training programme called Chemistry for Biology.

Besides his academic pursuits, Dr Moses is dedicated to global scientific development, supporting educational institutions in countries such as India, where he is a distinguished visiting Professor.

He also provides his expertise as a consultant and expert witness to the pharmaceutical industry.

His contributions to Click Chemistry have been internationally recognized, including the prestigious 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Horizon Prize.

Dr Moses is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, and Member of the American Associate for Cancer Research.

Balancing his time between Long Island and Manhattan, he also maintains a residence in Wrexham, which remains close to his heart, especially as a retreat to spend quality time with his son, Glyn.


He is an enthusiast of the electric guitar, rock/metal music, literature, TV, especially 'Welcome to Wrexham', and outdoor activities.

He said: "Receiving the fellowship was a true honour for me, especially meaningful because I once studied at the grounds of what was then NEWI/Yale.

"Originally, I wasn't a strong student in school, but I was fortunate to receive a second chance to study at the college in Wrexham a few years later.

"This opportunity opened the door to a whole new world of possibilities for me."