THE COUNCIL is considering the "next steps" for taking enforcement action over the unauthorised development of a Traveller family site in Flintshire. 

The Leader reported on Wednesday that Flintshire Council's planning department had refused an application for a Traveller family site on land off Gladstone Way in Hawarden.

The application was for the stationing of caravans for residential purposes, together with the formation of hardstanding and a utility/day room, and an entrance gate and fencing. Flintshire Council has said the development has taken place without planning permission. 


Chief Officer for Planning, Environment and Economy, Andrew Farrow, said: “The planning application for the change of use of the land for the stationing of caravans for residential purposes and associated developments has been refused. 

"Flintshire County Council is aware that the development has taken place without the benefit of planning permission and following the refusal of permission this week.

"We are currently considering the appropriate next steps with respect to enforcement action.”