An unbeaten challenge breakfast in Mochdre has claimed its first high-profile victim - Youtube eating challenge star BeardmeetsFood.

And just 24 hours after the full video of the epic attempt at Ann's Kitchen on Conwy Road went live it had attracted almost two million views.

Ann's Kitchen created the Challenge Brekkie as a bit of fun - eight rashers of bacon, eight sausages, eight black puddings, eight hash browns, eight eggs, eight slices of fried bread, eight slices of toast, sautéed potatoes, beans, tomatoes and a huge mug of tea or coffee.

It costs £30 and the rules are simple - if you finish it in 30 minutes, you get it for free.

So when Youtube food challenge star BeardmeetsFood - aka Adam Moran - heard about it he decided to drive over from Leeds to give it a go.

"He had messaged my partner Tracey asking about the breakfast but under his real name, Adam, so we had no idea that he was coming in," said Ann's Kitchen owner Paul Jones. "But when he came through the door the customers all recognised him straight away and they knew why he was here!

"Tracey wasn't here and when I messaged her with a pic she immediately knew what was going on. She messaged her friend and she got down her just to watch it." 

With over four million subscribers, BeardmeetsFood is rarely beaten by a challenge, but when he sat down with his coffee in an oversized 'Massive Legend' mug, it was clear he was not sure how this one would pan out.

"This one is going to be a bit of a slog," he told viewers as customers at the cafe spurred him on.

But as time ticked away and with a mountain of bread remaining, the Challenge Brekkie became only the second eating challenge in a year to best the social media star.

At the end of the video Paul tells him: "You did better than the five of us."

Speaking to the Pioneer, Paul said he couldn't believe what was happening.

"It's amazing really, we have seen a lot more activity online and it has been incredible for the business.

"Some people online have said the challenge is impossible and we should maybe increase the time but we do believe that it is achievable and we are confident we will have a winner soon.

"The key word is challenge. If it was easy everyone would do it. We do want people to win, but they have to earn it.

"There is one stipulation though. We told BeardmeetsFood that anyone who completes it cannot do it again - because that's not a challenge. You can try as many times as you like.

"Having seen the reaction to it I can't wait for us to get a winner, the person who does that will be a real legend!"