NORTH Wales Police are encouraging residents in Flintshire to report suspicious activity following reports of theft from vehicles.

On Tuesday, June 11 police confirmed reports of persons trying car door handles. As the day went on, those reports turned into theft from vehicles.

Uplands Avenue and Wepre Lane have been identified as targeted areas from around midnight onwards. 

Officers have been out conducting house to house and enquiries.

A spokesperson said: "We'll be working hard to identify all the incidents and every bit of evidence we can.

"If you live on these roads or surrounding please check your CCTV and vehicles and call us. If they tried your vehicle but it was locked that's still an offence so please let us know.


"Please remain vigilant, lock your vehicles and if you have keyless entry make sure your keys are far enough away overnight.

"Please report any suspicious activity, we'll have officers out and about through the night.

"We don't mean to cause alarm, but the more information we have the better our investigations."