The Leader is shining a light the region's pubs and bars with our Pub of the Week feature.

This is an opportunity for landlords and landladies from across Wrexham and Flintshire to have the chance to showcase their establishment.

Now more than ever, especially in the aftermath of the pandemic, it's vital to support our local businesses.

If you would like your pub considered to be featured, simply fill in our online Q&Aor if you would like to chat or nominate a pub, email

Step inside this week's venue...

• THE BURNTWOOD, Drury, near Buckley

The Burntwood in Drury.

The Burntwood in Drury.

The team at this Flintshire pub don't do things by halves, giving it their all every day.

Currently the landlord, Andrew 'Griff' Griffiths, is on crutches but this is not stopping him from getting stuck in.

Andrew, 35, has been at the helm of the pub for eight years, with partner Holly Brisco, 34, by his side.

Andrew Griffiths and Holly Brisco, with daughter Mayble.

Andrew Griffiths and Holly Brisco, with daughter Mayble.

As if running a busy pub and restaurant doesn't keep their hands full, they also have two-year-old daughter Mayble.

But the duo make it all seem effortless, helped by a dedicated team of about a dozen staff members.

They were of course put to the test, along with the entire hospitality industry, during the covid pandemic.

Covered outdoor bar at The Burntwood.

Covered outdoor bar at The Burntwood.

Former fabricator and welder Andrew said: "It was miserable, it was really hard, not seeing your customers, friends and family but we had great support from the brewery, Admiral Taverns.

"It was difficult and it cost more to keep the place shut but we had been quite on the ball making the most of our outdoor spaces.

"The brewery worked with us, helping with planning and new bar licence. And we were very busy when we reopened. People had seen what we'd done, they had been cooped up and had their freedom back."

Breakfast and pub classics at The Burntwood.

Breakfast and pub classics at The Burntwood.

The support from the community has been more than appreciated and it goes both ways. The Burntwood, originally called The Grandstand back in the 1960s, helps where it can, feeding the lonely at Christmas, sponsoring local sports teams and recently donating to the local school's raffle.

Read more: Wrexham venue at the heart of the community

Andrew said: "We're always happy to help a good cause. The people are ultimately the drive for us. We put the effort in and it's recognised, people enjoy it.

"We have invested a lot of time and money, built ourselves back up."

Holly agreed, adding: "It's just good to see everyone happy and having a good time."

Covered outdoor bar at The Burntwood, with plenty of seating.

Covered outdoor bar at The Burntwood, with plenty of seating.

There's plenty on offer at the pub - which features several works of the venue by Buckley artist Mary Saifelden - and with with ample outdoor seating and bar, plus a good sized car park, all are welcome.

The pub hosts open mic and quiz nights, has two pool teams, with plans to get darts back up and running, sports screened and they feature live music every weekend. They also serve an impressive selection of cocktails.

For those with an appetite, The Burntwood has lots on offer. They serve cooked breakfast, paninis and baked potatoes, and pub classics, including burgers with all the trimmings.

Griffs Big Ribs & BBQ, available at weekends from The Burntwood pub.

Griff's Big Ribs & BBQ, available at weekends from The Burntwood pub.

They also welcome a popular addition on Saturdays and Sundays in the form of Broughton-based Griff's Big Ribs & BBQ, which serves from 3pm-9pm, "or until they're sold out".

The venue is also proving a hit as an option for wedding receptions and post-christening gatherings. Andrew adds they have plans for a kitchen extension at the pub, and hope to create even more of a food venue.

Read more:

It wouldn't be a Pub of the Week spotlight without bringing up the supernatural, as we know, every good pub is of course haunted, and The Burntwood is no different.

There's talk of a ghost by the name of Charlie, who Holly says "can be a menace" but despite the odd unexplained bit of activity - glasses falling, crisps packets moving - Andrew remains sceptical. But should you spot an unusual figure on a visit to the pub, it's likely to be more about liquid spirits than the spooky kind.

Looking forward, Andrew and Holly are set to host a festival at The Burntwood in August, although they remain tight-lipped over what's in store for their customers.

As a pair that don't hold back on putting the effort in, you can be sure it will be worth the secrecy.

The Burntwood, Burntwood Road, Drury

Tel: 01244 550143

Opening hours:

Monday to Thursday 9am-11pm

Friday 9am-midnight

Saturday noon-midnight

Sunday noon-11pm