WALES' First Minister has lost a vote of no confidence tabled by the Welsh Conservatives.

The motion follows the collapse of the co-operation deal between Labour and Plaid Cymru and a series of rows involving Mr Gething.

The Conservatives called the Senedd vote after months of rows over donations to Mr Gething’s leadership campaign from a company owned by a man previously convicted of environmental offences. 

Mr Gething has also faced accusations he misled the COVID Inquiry over deleted messages and sacked one of his ministers for allegedly leaking information to the media.

That former minister was one of two Labour members who were absent for the confidence vote.

Two Labour Senedd Members are ill and were unable to attend the vote. Twenty-nine members of the Senedd voted in favour of the motion of no confidence in Vaughan Gething, while 27 voted against.

Vikki Howells, the chair of the Labour group of Members of the Senedd (MSs), told BBC Radio Wales Breakfast that the First Minister would not stand down if he lost, saying it was a “gimmick” and it was up to the “voting public to decide who is in the Senedd”.

Mr Gething would not have to resign if he loses, Ms Howells said.