FLINTSHIRE Council has addressed concerns over long grass left to grow on verges near roads.

Some motorists have raised road safety concerns about verges left to grow if they are obscuring the view of oncoming vehicles. 

The Penymynydd roundabout was one such location - with long grass blocking the view of motorists approaching the busy roundabout. That area has since been cut back by the council. 

Flintshire Council has said road verges have been left to grow to boost biodiversity - but only in areas where it doesn't cause road safety issues.


Chief officer for Streetscene and Transportation, Katie Wilby, said: “As a council, a policy change was approved in March 2023 for managing road verges and amenity grasslands to better support biodiversity in areas where it doesn’t cause safety concerns for residents or motorists.

“Great care is taken to ensure that grass cutting continues in places where road safety would be in any way impacted by poor visibility or where pavements and cycle paths would have reduced width, making them less safe.

"Residents are encouraged to contact the council if there are places where they become concerned about safety issues for drivers, pedestrians or cyclists."

She added: “Additionally, the unusually high rainfall combined with recent warmer temperatures has had the effect of accelerating grass growth in excess of what would normally be experienced at this time of year.

"As a result, the longer grass has resulted in cutting operations taking longer to complete, however, teams are working hard to remedy this situation.”