PLANS to close a children's day care centre have been scrapped following a consultation. 

Parents of children attending Sparkles Day Care centre in Caia Park were contacted by the Caia Park Partnership last month amid plans to shut down the provision. 

The Wrexham-based charity completed a month-long consultation with staff, parents and stakeholders about its proposal to close the nursery. 

The charity currently employs 71 people and manages 7 community buildings in Caia Park, providing a range of services. 

However, the charity’s childcare provision was facing a significant forecast budget deficit for the year ahead with costs outstripping income after several challenging years of high inflation, wage rises and the cost of living crisis.

Last month’s proposal would have seen the Partnership retaining and marginally growing its two smaller childcare settings near to Hafod Y Wern and Gwenfro primary schools, but risked up to 20 jobs at its Sparkles day nursery.

The 30-day consultation with staff, parents, Wrexham Council Officers, local politicians, stakeholders and other nurseries has generated a huge effort to re-shape the offer at Sparkles to put it on a sustainable footing.

Now, the Partnership’s Board of Trustees signed-off on a new way forward, which will see the nursery slightly reduce its range of services, increase its fees to parents, and operate with less staff.


The Partnership’s lead Trustee for Childcare Nigel Hughes explained: "In these difficult times we have had to ensure that the charity can continue to deliver the widest and best range of services to support people facing disadvantage and challenges.

"Our model for running childcare services had aspects that this consultation process has allowed us to better understand and address, meaning we’ve been able to save most of the jobs and services at Sparkles.

"We’re hugely indebted to the staff and parents for their efforts and positivity over this last month, and look forward to a new and more secure future for our childcare and early education services."


Caia Park Partnership Chief Officer, Gary Brown added: "The response to the consultation was overwhelmingly positive, with parents contributing through an online survey, petition, evening meetings and direct discussions.

"Staff have responded brilliantly, with every aspect of the work examined and every idea considered. At the heart of their energy was the determination to keep the service going, knowing what it means to the children and parents they help.

"Parents are now being invited to take up offers of new contracts with a revised fee structure that more than 70% of our parents support."