THE WELSH Government is set to make an announcement regarding a proposal to cut the school summer holiday down to four or five weeks.

Education Minister Lynne Neagle is set to make the announcement  on Tuesday (June 4) .

The Welsh Government said it has had more than 16,000 responses to its latest consultation on cutting the school summer six-week break and moving one or two weeks to the autumn half term and Easter. 

Ms Neagle said when she took up her post that changing the school calendar was "not a fait accompli". But it has been one of the major education reforms long on the Welsh Government's list - believing the six week break to be out of date. 


Reforming the school year is not about reducing school breaks; there will be no changes to the overall amount of breaks for learners and teachers. The Welsh Government wants to look at how to distribute the same number of holidays across the year.

A Martin Lewis poll on X asked parents how they feel about the proposals - with over 40,000 responses. 

A quarter of parents of children under 18 said they were in favour of shortening the summer break.