Visit Wales has launched a new campaign aimed at dogs with a focus on dog-friendly staycations.

The unique and innovative campaign is intended to capture the attention of dogs up and down the UK using imagery, sounds, and colours that will appeal directly to the four-legged companions.

It is hoped that this approach will inspire holidaymakers to choose Wales as their next destination.

The campaign includes enhanced blue and yellow colours, which are the colours dogs can see, and familiar sounds like panting, whistling, barking and jingling keys.

The Leader: The campaign aims to showcase Wales

With more than 20,000 miles of walking trails, hundreds of dog-friendly accommodation choices, pubs and attractions, Wales is presented as an attractive destination for couples, families, friends and solo travellers with dogs in their lives.

Visit Wales is urging all to book their next vacation, while remaining mindful of local wildlife, farm animals, and the importance of maintaining responsible ownership by following the Dog Walking Code.

The Leader: The campaign uses imagery and sounds dogs love

Jenna Kiddie, head of canine behaviour at Dogs Trust said: "So many of us now share our lives with a dog and it’s great to get out with them and explore all that Wales has to offer."

She also added: "It’s important to remember that while dogs do enrich our lives, they also bring with them a level of responsibility.

The Leader: Wales has more than 20,000 miles of walking trails

"We urge dog owners to consider their surroundings, particularly when visiting areas where they might encounter wildlife or livestock."

Research shows that more than a third of UK households have at least one dog, with many admitting they couldn't bear the thought of vacationing without their furry companions.

In fact, the demand for dog-friendly tourism is growing, with a 36 per cent increase in bookings last year.

As an extra touch, Visit Wales invited dog owners to submit pictures of their pets to be featured in the campaign, receiving nearly 4,000 entries and six winning candidates.

Hanna Tudor, property manager at Sealands Cottages, a dog-friendly accommodation provider said: "We're delighted that Visit Wales is showcasing our fantastic country as a great holiday destination for dog owners across the UK and beyond."