NORTH Wales Police (NWP) is set to impose new powers to clamp down on problem parking outside schools. 

Problem parking outside schools in Wrexham and Flintshire has been a long-standing issue

Flintshire Council set up a Task and Finish Group regarding parking issues outside schools, and police have conducted patrols in problem areas of Wrexham.

And now, letters have been circulated by local schools to parents from NWP regarding concerns over inconsiderate parking outside schools. 

In the letter, the force states the Chief Constable is in the process of signing off new powers for PSCOs - which include being able to issue parking tickets for drivers who park on zigzags outside schools. 


The letter states: "Therefore, with our PCSOs soon being able to issue tickets for this, along with Wrexham County Borough Council Enforcement Officers, we highly suggest you find a more reasonable and safer place to park for the benefit of your children so they can cross the road safely and prevent enforcement action. 

"If a vehicle is parked on a school keep-clear zigzag, then a Penalty Charged Notice can be issued at £70. Parking on a school zigzag is dangerous and illegal.

"They are there to protect the safety of your children."