Motorists have been encouraged to familiarise themselves with how to respond when an emergency vehicle is approaching.

The message, from the North Flintshire policing team on Saturday afternoon, comes as emergency responders face heavy traffic across the region this weekend.

A spokesman for the team said: "Good afternoon Flintshire North! It's looking like it's going to be a beautiful day!

"We know traffic is extremely busy today


"This can raise issues for us when we're trying to get to emergencies. 

"It can be very daunting when an emergency vehicle is approaching and there's nowhere for you to go, and you don't know whether to stop or keep going.

"There is a really helpful video on Blue Light Aware."

Blue Light Aware is an online resource for emergency service vehicle awareness on the roads.

It contains examples and advice about what to do in a number of different situations.

To see the video, click on the link above.