A MAN who left his then-partner with black eyes and a bleeding nose after attacking her has been locked up.

Robert Kinsella, of Francis Road in Moss, Wrexham, appeared for sentence at Mold Crown Court on Thursday.

The 37-year-old had previously admitted one offence of criminal damage and been found guilty of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

Alexandra Carrier, prosecuting, told the court that in October last year, Kinsella was in a relationship with Susan Allen.

The relationship began in July that year, at which time they were both homeless, the court heard.

On the evening of October 23, Kinsella was at the victim's home.

He told her he was due to receive a welfare check and asked to borrow her car, which she agreed to.

The defendant left the property at around 11.30pm and waited by some nearby allotments for the welfare check.

But Ms Allen started receiving repeated messages and calls from Kinsella asking what she was doing.

He made less sense each time he called and appeared "clearly intoxicated."

At 4.30am the next morning, he called her again and verbally abused her.

Ms Allen ignored five more calls from Kinsella - but he then turned up at the property.

She heard thudding and fearing that he would disturb her neighbours, she let him in.

He subjected her to a tirade of foul verbal abuse and then became physically violent, threatening to kill her before punching and kicking her.

He took her phone and keys, accused her of cheating and dragged her to the floor by the hair.

Kinsella then kicked her four times, causing pain in her face.

He told her that if the police were called, he'd claim she did it to herself.

During the terrifying incident, the defendant punched a full length mirror, which cut his hand as it broke.

He went on to throw a table and told her: "Clean my f****** mess up."

The Leader: Robert Kinsella (NWP)Robert Kinsella (NWP) (Image: North Wales Police)

Ms Allen was left with injuries including black eyes and a bleeding nose.

The police were called by a concerned member of the public, and when interviewed, the defendant gave no comment.

In her victim impact statement, Ms Allen said: "It was such a traumatic event in my life which still to this day leads to low episodes.

"I constantly live in fear. I'm always looking over my shoulder."

Philip Tully, defending, said: "Both offences arise out of the same incident - he wishes to express his remorse and apologises for his behaviour and the upset he's caused.

"There's no excuse for his conduct but it seems clear from the pre-sentence report that at the time these offences were committed, he was homeless and struggling with alcohol and drug abuse.

"There has been no further offending since October last year and he has never been to custody before.


"There are concerns about his mental health and ability to cope with custody."

Judge Timothy Petts told the defendant: "You got drunk, phones her, were abuse and went to the house.

"You turned violent.

"It is accepted this was a long and persistent assault and you used you foot as a weapon.

"This is not the first time you've been in trouble."

The defendant was jailed for two years and three months.

A ten year restraining order was imposed to protect the victim.