A WREXHAM man who crashed his car and ran before police arrived had committed "almost every aggravating feature you can find," a Judge said.

Christopher Watson, of Belleview Road, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Wednesday for sentence.

He'd previously admitted offences of failing to provide a specimen for analysis, driving whilst disqualified and driving without insurance.

Prosecutor Rhian Jackson told the court that at around 2.15am, residents in the vicinity of Moorland Avenue in Wrexham heard a "bang like a car crash."

Police arrived at the scene shortly thereafter and found the vehicle, a Vauxhall Insignia, abandoned with the engine running.

CCTV enquiries confirmed the vehicle had collided with a parked car after losing control.

Watson was seen on the footage attempting to push his vehicle in the aftermath.

He was arrested in connection with the incident and admitted he'd been the one driving.

He said the reason he ran from the scene was that he was disqualified.

Officers formed the view that he was under the influence of intoxicants, but could not conclusively confirm it - because he failed to give a sample with no reasonable grounds.

Ms Jackson told the court Watson had 16 previous convictions for 25 offences, one of which was a drug-drive for which he received a 20 month ban in May last year.

A probation officer told the court the defendant, who is "well known to probation", had made the decision to drive after being at the pub.

The officer added: "When asked why he didn't give a sample, he is a user of of cocaine and cannabis and he was aware it would show up.


"His behaviour shows a lack of knowledge and consequential thinking."

The officer added Watson has "a broad range of offending" on his record and is assessed as having a "high risk of reoffending."

Alex MacKenzie, defending, made limited submissions to the court following a recommendation by the probation service of a community order.

She said: "Clearly, there's a realistic prospect of rehabilitation.

"He's in receipt of universal credit and I any financial implications can be taken from his benefits."

She conceded a driving ban for her client was "inevitable."

Deputy District Judge James Hulse told the defendant: "Mr Watson, these are serious offences with almost every aggravating feature you can find.

"Your refusal [to provide] was you saying 'I have been here before, I am going to be over [the limit], there is no point in providing.'

"I think that was you accepting fate, not trying to get away with it.

The Leader:

"But it's further aggravated by the fact you were disqualified, so you shouldn't have been driving in any event."

The Deputy District Judge handed down a total custodial sentence of 16 weeks - but suspended it for a year.

Watson must undertake 35 sessions on an accredited programme, as well as a six month drug rehabilitation requirement.

He was banned from driving for 48 months and must pay £85 costs, as well as a £154 victim surcharge.