A CHILD was seriously injured after being struck by a car, police have said.

Between 7am and 10pm on Monday, the North Flintshire policing team received 53 calls regarding incidents, 11 of which were priority zero (emergency).

The team released details of some of these calls in a roundup on its social media page.

Among the incidents was a "serious injury" collision in which a child had been "struck by a car on a private site."

There were also a number of calls regarding youths acting anti-socially across the district. 

A spokesman for the team asked: "Do you know what your kids are getting up to when they're out and about?"


Neighbourhood Policing Team officers located and seized a stolen vehicle, which was "thanks to an eagle eyed member of the public" who spotted it and believed it wasn't displaying the correct reg. 

The spokesman added: "The member of the public had seen a post by the owner of the vehicle regarding it's theft and called us. 

"If something doesn't seem right, it's always worth giving us a call." 

Aside from the abide incidents, the spokesman explained PCSOs have been out and about engaging with the community and on foot patrol, and neighbourhood PCs have "been busy making criminals lives hard."