A MAN found himself in the dock after police recovered a samurai sword from his bedroom.

Stuart Davies, of Crescent Road in Wrexham, appeared at Mold Magistrates Court on Thursday.

The 44-year-old had previously admitted that on May 3, he had possession of an offensive weapon in a private place.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that on the day in question, police were called out to the homeless accommodation where Davies lives after a report that he had a samurai sword.

Staff allowed officers into the defendant's room, during which time he was out, and the weapon was found in a cupboard.

Melissa Griffiths, defending, told the court: "He pleaded guilty to this allegation some days ago and I ask that he be given full credit.

"The weapon itself didn't originally belong to this defendant.

"It belonged to a good friend of his who had it with him for the purpose of protecting himself.

"I understand this person was the subject of a very serious assault some months previously.


"But Mr Davies was concerned about his friend's mental health and that he might use this weapon to harm himself - so he took it off him.

"It had been in the wardrobe for four months and it was found on a routine inspection of his room."

Ms Griffiths said her client hadn't realised it was a criminal offence to have such an item in a private place, such as his own room.

She added her client "suffers from a number of demons" including drug addiction and drinking - but that he'd been receiving treatment.

The Leader:

The court handed down an 18 month community order with a six month drug rehabilitation requirement and participation on a thinking skills programme.

Davies must also pay a £40 fine, £85 costs and a £114 victim surcharge.

The court ordered that the sword be forfeited and destroyed.