A 24-hour boxathon event is taking place this weekend in aid of a little girl suffering from dozens of seizures every day. 

The event, at Mold Boxing Club, will see people continuously sparring in the ring from 6pm on Friday (May 17) until 6pm on Saturday. 

The event is being organised by boxing club in aid of local amateur boxer Carl Mather's, who coaches and fights at Mold Boxing Club, two-year-old daughter, Talia. 

Talia has been diagnosed with epilepsy, but despite her diagnoses and medication - Carl said she is suffering 30-40 "mini-seizures" every day. 

"We just want answers to what's causing this," he said. "We're looking to raise enough money so we can get a private appointment to try and find out what's going on. 

"It's been so much trial and error. She's been taking a cocktail of medication but nothing is working. She'd had three or four EEG scans before they told us she was photo sensitive and she's been on the verge of being placed into a coma. It's been a really hard couple of years and we feel we're no closer now to finding the answers."

The Leader: Carl MatherCarl Mather (Image: User generated content)

Carl added: "We just want to be able to get the answers to improve our little girl's quality of life."

A GoFundMe page in aid of Talia has been set up. It has currently raised over £3,000 and can be accessed via www.gofundme.com/f/a-better-life-for-talia.


The event is open to the public to take part and attend to watch. It is hoped a couple of world champion boxers and UFC will be in attendance, as well other ex-pros. 

The Leader: Talia MatherTalia Mather (Image: UGC)

Carl said: "In total, it will be about 900 rounds of boxing. There will be chairs set up so people can come and watch. I'm hoping to do about 180 rounds - some of which will be against Paddy Doherty.

"It's open to everyone to take part, and we're looking for people to come down overnight so we always have someone in the ring. If you do want to take part, all you need to do is turn up - but please bring your own gum shield.

"The boxing community always pulls together to help those in need. It'd be brilliant to see as many people as possible down here supporting it."