FOCUS Wales 2024 is back underway and artists from all over the world have taken to the stage to perform. 

Yesterday (Thursday, May 9) was the first of the three-day event which is celebrating its 14th year welcoming artists to the stage.

Across Wrexham, it is expected that over 20,000 attendees, will come to see over 250+ new music acts from Wales and around the world.


With over 250 artists and bands, film screenings and arts events, the events will be spread out onto 20 stages across the town at venues including Ty Pawb, St Giles, Llwyn Isaf, the Wynnstay Hotel and many more.

Last night crowds gathered to hear Wrexham's very own Royston Club, Bethan Lloud, Nesha Nycee, Wakhouse and many other emerging talents.

Photographer Brent Jones has once again captured the best of what's on offer as he attended day one of the festival.