By Lesley Griffiths

MS for Wrexham

To coincide with Deaf Awareness Week, a new project has been launched in North East Wales that will provide tailored support to deaf children, young people and their families.

The ‘Hear Me!’ project will be operated by the Deaf & Sensory Network (DSN) and is only taking place in Wrexham and Flintshire after the organisation successfully secured significant funding from The National Lottery Community Fund.

In total, DSN has been awarded almost £250,000 to employ specialist project workers and staff. Each deaf child and family will receive up to 10 at-home sessions and children, young people and families supported by Hear Me! will also be able to access wider support, as well as monthly family activities set up by the dedicated team. It is hoped improving communication in the home and in social environments will help deaf children grow in confidence and improve their relationships and wellbeing.

The DSN is well established and has had great success over the border in Cheshire so I am pleased people in and around Wrexham are now set to benefit, thanks to the substantial grant from The National Lottery Community Fund.

I recently met with some DSN members that will be delivering the project in Wrexham. Hear Me! is very much family-oriented and could have a transformative impact on deaf children and young people’s lives. I believe the project will provide an invaluable lifeline to parents, many of whom will have never previously encountered deafness.

For more information about the project email:

Happy birthday to the Senedd! Last week marked 25 years since the first Senedd election and the beginning of a new chapter in Welsh history.

Wales is a stronger, more confident country thanks to devolution and I firmly believe the people of Wrexham and Wales have benefited significantly.

So much has been achieved since 1999; we’ve led the way with free prescriptions, free parking at hospitals, opt-out organ donation, free school meals for all primary school children and free bus passes for over 60s. The Senedd was the first parliament in the world to declare a climate emergency and Wales was the first country in the UK to charge for plastic bags.

Challenges remain and Wales’ devolution journey is still developing. As the home of Welsh democracy, the Senedd must continue to represent and reflect the spirit and ambitions of the people of Wales.

As always, if you’re a constituent in Wrexham and there is an issue I could help you with, please contact me via email: or call 01978 355743.