RESIDENTS have been urged not to fall for fraudulent emails regarding their TV licence.

Flintshire Trading Standards Service confirmed recently that it has been made aware of "a number of email scams relating to tv licensing" that are being sent out.

A spokesman explained: "The main points to look out for if you receive an email relating to your tv licence are genuine emails will only come from

"Genuine emails from tv licensing will include your name and /or part of your post code.  

"Scam emails usually start with Dear Customer,"


TV licensing has produced a guide on how to spot the scams and report them, for full information, visit the link here.

The Trading Standards spokesman continued: "Scam emails will often tell you that you need to make an urgent payment - genuine emails will not do this. 

"[And] scam emails may also offer you a refund or say that you are owed a refund. 

"Again, genuine emails will not do this unless they are replying to an email query from you about such issues."