A FLINTSHIRE man who strangled his partner in a 'sustained' attack has been jailed.

Tecwyn Woodward, of Cwrt Pinwydd in Leeswood, appeared at Mold Crown Court for sentencing on Tuesday, April 2.

The 55-year-old previously pleaded not guilty to one count of strangulation and one of Actual Bodily Harm (ABH) at a Plea and Trial Preparation Hearing last July.

But, in January of this year - ahead of trial listed for February - he changed his plea to guilty.

The offending in question took place on November 19, 2022, Catherine Elvin, prosecuting, told the court.

At that point, Woodward and his then-partner Samantha Vaughan had been in a relationship for five years.

On that day, the defendant had been to the shops and had overspent, leaving them short and that led to an argument between the couple, the court heard.


While under the influence of alcohol, Woodward grabbed Ms Vaughan by the shoulders and pushed her to the ground, breaking a stool in the process and causing bruising to her back.

The court was told he then, while she was on the floor, placed both hands around her neck and strangled her.

The defendant continued his attack by headbutting his then-partner to the face, resulting in her suffering a black eye and a swollen nose.

He stopped when she told him that she thought he was 'going to kill her'.

A neighbour confronted the defendant about what had happened and later dragged him out of the house.

Ms Vaughan then fled what was her own home soon after.

In a victim personal statement, she said that Woodward had left her "scared" and "worried" that he would come after her.

She added that the mental and physical abuse she suffered has "taken its toll" and said that Woodward had "ruined" her life.

Rosemary Proctor, defending, said that Woodward was making the best of his time spent in custody.

She added that he was someone who suffered from poor physical health and had a history of substance misuses, including both drugs and alcohol

Sentencing Woodward, Judge Niclas Parry labelled the incidents "sustained violence".

The defendant was sentenced to 25 months in prison, with a restraining order made to last a period of five years.