A MAN whose prescription for methadone was stopped went on to shoplift in order to pay for drugs, a court heard.

Paul Field, of Chester Road, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

The 45-year-old admitted three counts of theft from shops; which happened on January 26 and 27, as well as February 4.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that on the first occasion, Field walked into Tesco in Wrexham and concealed £33 worth of whiskey in his coat before leaving with it.

When he returned to the store the next day, he helped himself to £128 worth of Lego.

Then, on the third occasion, he entered Savers in the city centre and took washing detergent worth £75.91.

The items were not recovered, Mr Espie said, and Field was on a suspended sentence for like offences at the time.


Stephen Edwards, defending, said: "He's no stranger to the court and hadn't offended since the back end of May last year.

"That was as a result of being held steady by a methadone script - but the requirement with the Elms is that if you miss one appointment your script stops."

Mr Edwards said just such an occurrence had happened for his client, leaving him without his script for a fortnight - which coincided with the offending.

"He was stealing to buy street drugs," the solicitor said.

"That's no excuse, but that is the reality of the situation.

"He has now been accepted back with the Elms. He's keeping his almost daily appointments and is back on the script.

"He is engaging and taking help."

The Leader:

Mr Edwards said while his client has his methadone script, "he can keep out of trouble," but when he loses it he finds himself "back in the vicious cycle."

District Judge Gwyn Jones opted not to activate the breached suspended sentence, but made its operational period longer.

For the two Tesco thefts, Field received a fine of £120 on each, with no separate penalty on the other theft.

He must pay compensation to the value of the stolen items as well as costs of £85.