A BUCKLEY man has been fined hundreds of pounds after being abusive and obstructive with police.

Finley Donoghue, of Hillary Grove in Buckley, appeared at Mold Magistrates Court on Thursday.

The 20-year-old admitted that on January 16 in Powell Road, Buckley, he used threatening or abusive words or behaviour.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that at around 1pm on the day of the offence, police were advised of 'three males fighting' - with the incident having gone on for around 20 minutes.

When officers arrived at the scene they spoke to the defendant, who was "obstructive and aggressive."


He was "puffing out his cheeks and showing signs of aggression."

Mr Espie said the offence put Donoghue in breach of two conditional discharges for offences 'of a similar nature.'

In brief submissions to the court Gary Harvey, defending, said his client had been to a friend's house and had had a drink that day.

He had not been particularly intoxicated, Mr Harvey said - but conceded some "choice language" had been used.

District Judge Gwyn Jones told Donoghue: "It is clear alcohol and you don't agree.

The Leader:

"It may be better if you give it up.

"Please don't behave like this again - it's not appropriate."

For the newest offence, Donoghue received a £100 fine and must pay a £40 victim surcharge, as well as £85 costs.

For breaching a conditional discharge imposed for assaulting an emergency worker, he was resentenced to a fine of £100.

And for breaching a further conditional discharge imposed for criminal damage, a £100 fine was imposed.