A MAN who is considered to be a high risk to his mum has been jailed after going to her house just days after a court told him not to.

The Leader reported on Monday how Connor Reavey, of Dean Road in Wrexham, was produced in custody at Wrexham Magistrates Court for sentence.

The 22-year-old had admitted that on January 1 he assaulted his mother, Karen Jones.

The court heard how his conduct on that day followed him 'taking drugs all night' and included him making threats and derogatory comments to the victim, as well as "vomiting on her on purpose," spitting at her and making gestures as if to stab or 'slash' her in the back.

His imitations were made all the more concerning by the fact Reavey had previously been in prison for possession of a blade.

The court on Monday opted to give the defendant a chance - through a 14 week custodial sentence, suspended for 18 months.

As part of it, he was given a six month drug rehabilitation requirement, 15 days rehabilitation activity and a strict prohibition ordering him not to return to the road where his mother lives in Wrexham.


But Reavey was back in the dock on Friday afternoon, this time at Mold Magistrates Court, where he admitted breaching the prohibition.

The court heard the order had been put in place due to significant concerns he posed a high risk to the victim.

Police were called on Wednesday after Reavey went to his mum's home and caused her "significant distress by being there."

The Leader: Connor Reavey (NWP)Connor Reavey (NWP) (Image: North Wales Police)He was back at the address on Friday morning, leading to his arrest.

A probation officer told the court: "We're firm in the stance he's now classed as unmanageable in the community.

"He has clearly broken the prohibited activity order which was needed to reduce the harm to his mother.

"We advocate that the suspended sentence is activated.

"That would allow the Probation Service to have that period of time while he's in custody to liaise with support and get him suitable accommodation."

The Leader:

Laura MacMillan, defending, told the court: "He was given the suspended sentence to stop the cycle of offending - but he left the court without any housing or warm clothes and went almost immediately to his mum's.

"This was inevitable.

"He knew he shouldn't have done this but given the circumstances, you may sympathise with the reasons he did.

"He's aware the court realistically has no option but to activate the sentence."

The court did indeed activate the sentence in full, jailing Reavey for 14 weeks.