A PASSIONATE woman from Wrexham is supporting individuals who are petrified of maths.

Natalie Tarry, 51, has always wanted to help others after realising her talent for teaching and mathematics.

Over the years, she has heard stories from adults who claim to not be a 'maths person' to being 'completely petrified' of the subject.


'Tea Cake Maths Relax' offers sessions for small groups of people to reduce the stress and anxiety surrounding the learning process of a tricky subject.

The initiative secured funding from the Multiply Key Fund in Wrexham which arose last year for groups aiming to improve numeracy skills. The funding will be delivered through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Starting from February 21, Natalie will provide a coffee morning setting to enjoy treats and experience every day scenarios involving numbers.

She said: "The reason for setting up the sessions in the way I am, as in small groups, is because I have been there myself. My own daughter didn’t attend school for nearly 4 years. I had two serious illnesses. My mental health has suffered a lot too.

"I hate to think of so many adults in Wrexham feeling like they cannot apply for job or a course at college as they have not got a maths qualification. And I have prove time and time again that I have the skills to help them.


"The big message I want to get out on as many platforms as I can, is this; 'It’s not that you cannot do maths. You just haven’t had it taught in a way that YOUR brain needs'."

Natalie claims being honest about your difficulties is the first stage as well as remembering you are not alone. A subject like maths is experienced and processed very differently for everyone.

There will also be options to study online in the future, as well as for a qualification / Functional Skills Level 1 and 2 and also a GCSE if individuals require, all fully funded.

Natalie is currently finalising the details for the sessions so all updates will be on her 'Natematics' facebook page.