A "troubled" man who spat on and pretended to stab his mother after "taking drugs all night" has been spared jail.

Connor Reavey, of Dean Road in Wrexham, was produced in custody at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Monday for sentence.

The 22-year-old admitted that on January 1 he assaulted his mother, Karen Jones.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that police were called at around 2pm on New Year's Eve by the victim, who reported she was having problems with the defendant at her home in Dean Road.

She reported he'd been "up all night taking drugs," and had become abusive - making threats and making derogatory comments to her.

When officers attended the scene, no formal offences were recorded but the defendant was asked to leave.

Later that evening, another report was made by the victim's friend.

They urged police to re-attend the property as Reavey had spat at his mother and was "vomiting on her on purpose."

He'd also made gestures as if to stab her in the back, police were told.

Officers went back to the Dean Road property and found the defendant and his mother in the kitchen.

The court heard he'd used his fingers to 'stab' into his mother's side, pretending he had a knife - and made 'slashing' motions across her back with his finger.

The behaviour was made all the more concerning by the fact Reavey had previously been in prison for possession of a blade.

Mr Espie said the victim was frightened after her son started to throw food around, spit at the Christmas tree and spit in her hair.


Despite his behaviour however, she did not seek a restraining order and had been visiting him in prison.

After interviewing the defendant, a probation officer told the court Reavey claimed his actions in pretending to 'stab' his mother was "something he's done previously as a way of joking around with her and that he "only takes partial responsibility" for the assault.

The officer said the background to the offence was that the defendant had "run out of crack cocaine" and was "stressed."

Laura MacMillan, defending said despite her client's comments to the probation service, no basis of plea was being offered and Reavey pleaded guilty on the full prosecution facts.

She said: "This is a troubled young man who has several issues with mental health and drug use.

"He has been in and out of a young offenders institute.

"His mum doesn't want him to go to custody as she knows it only worsens his situation.

"His only support network is his mother, and his mum says he can't cope with living on his own.

"He needs some form of supported accommodation."

The Leader:

She urged the court to suspend any term of imprisonment in order to allow her client to engage with probation workers, with the long term goal of addressing his needs.

The court handed down a 14 week custodial term, but suspended it for 18 months.

Reavey must undertake a six month drug rehabilitation requirement, as well as 15 rehabilitation activity days.

He was also prohibited from entering Dean Road for six months, with the Probation Service asked to help him secure alternative accommodation from his mother's.