AN "AMAZING" Second World War veteran from Wrexham has celebrated his landmark 100th birthday.

Charles 'Charlie' Mellish celebrated his century birthday party at Broughton Hall Care Home in Wrexham last weekend.

The Leader: Charlie reads his card sent from King Charles to mark his 100th birthday. Charlie reads his card sent from King Charles to mark his 100th birthday. (Image: UGC)

Charlie, who received the French Legion D'honneur medal for his participation in the D-Day landings, said he feels lucky to have lived such a long life, after losing many friends during the war.

"People that you knew, people you grew close with, mates, I lost a lot of them," he said.

“The main thing I’m proud of is still being alive today, having gone through all of that and still be here to talk about it.”

The Leader:

He served in the army between 1941 and 1945 during the war and even fought during the Normandy Landings, commonly referred to as D-Day, in June 1944.

Recalling his experiences, he said: "Many of my officers and fellow soldiers were injured and lost that day, I crawled along trenches that had been created by tanks and wagons across the battlefield.

“At times I was so scared that I dare not move, and I would just lay there in the trenches.

“They’re memories that stay with you forever, you never forget them.”


A party was held at Broughton Hall Care Home last Saturday to mark the special occasion. 

Charlie's grandson, said: "The day went brilliantly thanks mainly to the staff and residents of Broughton Hall nursing home. He was thrilled to get his birthday card from the King and Queen.

"For his age he is remarkable. Until he had a fall earlier last year he was very independent and was living alone and able to take care of himself. Even now he still does daily exercises. It was only about five years ago that I was speaking to a builder that had done some work on the roof of his old house and found out that he had been up on the roof to check the builder had done a good job!

"A big thank you to the staff at Broughton Hall nursing home for putting on such a great party and making it a very special day."

Wrexham mayor, cllr Andy Williams, visited Charlie to wish him a happy birthday. He said: "I went to visit Charlie on his impressive 100th birthday and what an amazing man he is. He very proudly wore his three military medals and told me all about his exploits during the war.

"I told Charlie 'I’m sure you’ve got your birthday wrong as you only look around 80'!

"We had a cup of tea together and chatted to other residents. I just hope if I get to the ripe old age of 100 I look as good as Charlie."