A WREXHAM teenager has been told she was "lucky not to have been tasered" by police after she was seen carrying a blade in the street.

Margaret Flynn, of Y Wern, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

The 18-year-old admitted a number of offences, including; breaching a community protection notice (CPN) in July, having a knife in public in October, being drunk and disorderly in Charles Street in December and failing to comply with a community order in December.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that the first incident in time took place when the defendant was being managed by a number of care workers who were taking her back to her home address.

She made threats to three of them, telling them she was going to call family members and get them to 'come and kill them' - in breach of her CPN.

That incident took place when she was 17.

Then, in October, police were made aware of reports of a woman walking towards Wrexham city centre from the B&Q roundabout with a knife.

As officers approached the woman, who turned out to be Flynn, they saw she had a three inch yellow-handled knife.

"Perhaps the defendant should consider herself lucky she wasn't tasered," Mr Espie said.

"She was not co-operative initially."

However, Flynn eventually dropped the blade and it was seized.

In December, CCTV operators were made aware of the defendant outside a pub, engaged in a confrontation with another female.

There was "pushing" between the parties and Mr Espie said there was an "element of provocation."

When officers arrived to deal with the situation, Flynn was at Apollo Taxis and was "aggressive and unsteady on her feet."


She behaved in an "erratic" manner and banged her head several times against a police vehicle when she was placed inside to be taken home.

Alun Williams, defending, told the court the delay in bringing his client's cases - particularly the matter from July - before the court was "unacceptable." The concern was echoed by Deputy District Judge Lee Davies.

Mr Williams said: "I deal with the bladed article first; the most serious offence.

"That was committed within one week of her being in care. Sometimes we have a situation where people under 18 are looked after to an extent and when they reach 18, they leave.

"She went from being under a massive degree of supervision to, almost, you're 18 now - off you go and live on your own.

"It was disastrous.

"On the day, she rang the police herself. She'd been reported earlier in the day standing on a bridge with intentions to self-harm.

"It was an incident which took place on the outskirts of Wrexham late at night so the chances of members of the public being afraid are limited - but I accept it'd have been an unpleasant incident for the officers."

The court heard Flynn had breached her community order by pulling off the tag which was monitoring her alcohol intake.

Mr Williams said: "If we look at the community order, she said she couldn't cope.

"She has ADHD, PTSD, bipolar, she's on the autism spectrum and she's schizophrenic.

"She has mental health issues and is a vulnerable adult."

The Deputy District Judge told Flynn: "From the outset, I'm sure you know the most serious offence is the possession of the knife.

"The possession of any knife in a public place is dangerous.

"You could have been tasered - thankfully you weren't."

The Leader:

The Judge revoked all existing community orders and re-sentenced the defendant to a 12 month community order with 20 days of rehabilitation activity and a six month alcohol treatment requirement.

"I take into account you're still only 18 and have recently left care," the Judge told the defendant.

"There is a realistic prospect of rehabilitation."

Flynn must pay £85 costs and a fine of £50, as well as a £114 victim surcharge.