A MAN found himself acting as a courier for a drugs operation after being recruited by 'a stranger in a pub,' a court heard.

Jonathon Smith, of Wrexham Road in Brynteg appeared at Caernarfon Crown Court on Monday morning for sentence.

Smith, 56, had previously pleaded guilty to one count of conspiring to supply cannabis.

The court heard how Smith was caught with "a substantial amount of cannabis" in his van in 2022.

Ember-Jade Wong, prosecuting, told the court the defendant had played a significant role in the offending - and that he had three previous convictions for seven offences.

One of those was a drug-related matter, but but it was one of significant age, the court heard.

John Wyn Williams, defending, told the court his client acted only as 'a courier' and "knows he is to be punished" for his actions.

After an indication that a suspended sentence was being considered, he asked the court to bear in mind that the defendant had received a job offer outside of North Wales and any kind of curfew would be "difficult to police."

The Leader:

Judge Nicola Saffman told Smith: "Quite how you got yourself in this mess at this stage of your life, I don't know.

"But you were found with a substantial amount of cannabis in a van.

"For you, I say thank goodness it was class B because if it was class A, you'd be going to prison.

"You have accepted responsibility, but you say a stranger in a pub in Wrexham asked you to do this and that you didn't know what you were driving."

The Judge said Smith had money issues at the time of the offending, and that he was paid £700 for his involvement in the conspiracy.


"You got yourself caught up in an awful situation," the Judge concluded.

"It's an absolutely bizarre set of circumstances."

Smith received a nine month prison sentence - suspended for 12 months with no requirements.

No costs or victim surcharge were ordered due to pending Proceeds of Crime Act proceedings.